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It's all about connections.

Since 1989, WITI has been instrumental in creating opportunities for women to successfully advance in the workplace. Over the past decade WITI has taken pride in developing innovative programs that serve as a platform for women who consider technology central to their business, career and professions. We have worked diligently to help women gain recognition for their achievements as well as support and encourage women with their careers. Programs such as Women in Science and Technology Month, WITI Hall of Fame, CEO Recognition Awards and the Executive Auction provide opportunities for women, men, employees and employers to get involved, get noticed and get connected!

In keeping with our mission to advance women in the workplace, connecting women to a source for career opportunities has become a crucial element of our organization. Thousands travel from around the globe to take part in WITI's annual conference series for a wide variety of reason ranging from dynamic keynotes to rare networking opportunities. The demand for technology professionals has made conference attendance a hot priority among technical recruiters who take advantage of the opportunity to attract some of the top women in technology to their company.

In order to meet the high demand for qualified professionals in the technology industry and support the advancement of women in technology, WITI is proud to bring you WITI 4 Hire. Whether you're looking for the just right candidate to fill a position or to discover your next career move, WITI 4 Hire is a innovative, fast and convenient way to make the right connection.